The Foundation North & Rule Foundation Fund (FNxRF) is for projects that aim to address a need in takatāpui, MVPFAFF+ and rainbow communities in Tāmaki Makaurau (Auckland) and Te Tai Tokerau (Northland).


Since 2022, the Rule Foundation has partnered with Foundation North to help support takatāpui, MVPFAFF+ and rainbow communities via the Rainbow Wellbeing Legacy Fund.

In September 2024, Foundation North agreed to devolve further funding to the Rule Foundation as we are a funder specifically focused on the takatāpui, MVPFAFF+ and rainbow communities in Aotearoa.

What funding is available?

There are two tiers of funding:

  • Up to $10,000 for smaller projects.

  • Up to $70,000 for larger projects.

Criteria - what can we apply for?

Applications should identify a need in takatāpui, MVPFAFF+ and rainbow communities in Tāmaki Makaurau (Auckland) and Te Tai Tokerau (Northland) and explain how the project will address this need.

We welcome applications from a broad range of activities, including but not limited to: events, programmes, advocacy, groups, support, arts, sport, culture, and education activities. 

Funding is for not-for-profit groups and organisations doing charitable work.

Funding is only for work happening in Tāmaki Makaurau and/or Te Tai Tokerau regions.


  • Retrospective funding - we will not fund a project that has already occurred

  • Funding for a fundraising activity

  • Debt repayment

  • Refinancing of existing loans

  • Endowments

  • Promotion of religious beliefs

  • Promotion of political party objectives


Decisions will be made in rounds for each type of funding. 

  • Applications for smaller projects under $10,000

    • Round 1 closes: 5pm Friday 6 December 2024

    • Round 2 closes: 5pm Friday 7 March 2025

    • Round 3 closes: 5pm Friday 6 June 2025

    • Round 4 closes: 5pm Friday 5th September 2025

  • Applications for larger projects up to $70,000

    • 5pm Friday 7 March 2025

    • 5pm Friday 5th September 2025

Frequently asked questions

    • An organisation may only apply for one application in each tier, in any 12 month period 

    • An organisation may act as a fund holder for other organisations wishing to apply for funding, without affecting their own eligibility to apply for and receive funding.

    Please note: As per Foundation North’s policy, Funding is limited to one grant per 12 months per organisation. If your request is approved, you will not be eligible for another Foundation North grant (whether directly from Foundation North or via this Foundation North Fund administered by the Rule Foundation) for 12 months from the date of approval.

    If you receive a grant through this Foundation North Fund, you can still apply to the Rainbow Wellbeing Legacy Fund and the Peter Rule Fund.

  • You will be notified of the results within 3 weeks of the closing date.

  • Funding is for not-for-profit groups and impact- led organisations doing charitable work (where no private or individual gain is generated). Individuals are not eligible to apply.

    Types of registered organisations eligible: charitable trust, incorporated society, marae, statutory body, branch of an organisation registered under an Act of Parliament, registered under relevant legislation or a company that can demonstrate charitable purpose.

  • Yes. Please attach a budget to your application that details the main expenses that funding will be spent on, and any other income you will receive or apply for.

    If you need support preparing a budget, check out the budget guides from Foundation North at this link:

  • Yes, you will be required to submit a brief report upon completion of the project. 

  • You will be notified via email of the results within 3 weeks of the closing date.

  • Yes. Please contact

  • The Rule Foundation Administration Coordinator is available to help with applications. Please contact with any questions.

  • Yes. Note: This differs from our other funds that exclude operating costs.

  • You are welcome to apply for whatever length of time best suits your project and organisation. However, the amount you can apply for ($10,000 / $70,000) applies to the whole project. If your project takes longer than one year, we generally will not consider another application within the same tier until your project is completed.

  • Yes, you may apply for both grants - one application per tier, per year. 

  • An organisation may only apply for one application per tier, per 12-month period. 

  • No. However, applicants that are not registered as a charitable organisation must clearly articulate the charitable purpose of the initiative for which funding is sought and delineate between for-profit and not-for-profit activity. 

  • International costs including overseas aid or travel incurred overseas may be funded if it is deemed of exemplary benefit to the rainbow community. 

    This funding will prioritise events and initiatives that focus on Māori, Pacific peoples, transgender and/or intersex communities, be capped at $3,000 per person and can only be granted once every 5 years for the individual(s) benefiting, and once every 2 years for the groups applying.

  • Research applications must have the following qualities: The purpose and outcomes of the research will be of direct benefit to the rainbow community in Auckland and/or Northland, has been requested/commissioned or co-designed in partnership with a rainbow community organisation within Auckland and/or Northland and considers existing research available and/or builds on existing research.

  • We usually apply to Foundation North, what should we do?

    If you intend to apply before 11 November 2024, you can still do so in the Foundation North system. After 11 November, you will apply to the Rule Foundation.

    If applications are submitted post 11 November, don’t worry! We will take care of this for you and transfer the application to the Rule Foundation. We will let you know if this happens.

    We normally apply to the Rule Foundation and Foundation North, what should we do?

    You will now only apply to the Rule Foundation, putting everything into one application.

    We want to apply for more than $70,000. What do we do?

    Please apply to Foundation North for any amounts over $70,000.

    Do we talk to Foundation North or Rule Foundation about our application?

    For requests of $70,000 or less, please contact the Rule Foundation. For requests over $70,000, contact Foundation North.